Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The process of fracking is a fairly new process that has caused controversial uproar among Americans. Fracking is essentially drilling into the shale and then harnessing the natural gas that is released. Recently many natural gas companies have started fracking all across the United States in order to obtain this valuable resource. The nation's massive shale and tight gas reservoirs are spread across the Northeast; in the upper Midwest; under Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Arkansas; and north into the Rocky Mountain region.  
            Natural gas and fracking has supplied many jobs for big corporations helping to bolster the economy. It also is another alternative to help ease America off of its dependence on foreign oil. Because of the points above, natural gas is becoming increasingly popular and forcing some coal companies out of business completely. Many consumers believe that natural gas is much cleaner and safer than coal and oil, but this is not the case. Although it produces half the carbon emissions that coal does, it releases many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The increase in fracking is definitely contributing to the current global warming situation and is also causing health hazards. Many companies drill into the shale that is near citizens homes. This infects their air and water with pollutants such as methane. The methane is so strong in certain water that you can light the water on fire. Another major problem is that the drillers of this oil and natural gas are not being required to test for these problems or to even fix them. Many are outraged and want stricter regulations on these drillers.

Richard Kahn

In Richard Kahn's article he discusses current environmental issues and their impacts on the world. He then shifts his attention to education and the education system. Kahn believes that the current education system has set students up to be nothing more than average. Which, in some respects could be seen as accurate. However, I believe education is what you make it. If you want to do well and succeed in life, then you have to put the time and effort in to be successful. I say his theory may be right in some respects because I do feel certain people have a better chance for success than others. Those who can attend private schools have a better chance of doing well. Like I said though if you do not care about the opportunities, and do not make the best of them, then there really is no advantage. Rather than trying to change the school system, I think the teachers have to change. I feel too many teachers do not want to be teachers or do not always have their students best interest at heart. If more teachers started really pushing their students and attempting to challenge them with engaging classes, more students would be eager to learn.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Snyder's Themes

After reading multiple of Snyder's poems I still feel his main theme is that we should respect everything. Snyder's poems depict every day objects in a new light. He uses articulate imagery to draw the reader into his poems. The poems then depict the tree or dead animal as something much more than that. The poems make this objects come to life and show the real life value behind these creatures. Snyder wants the human race to understand we are not the only living things out there. We must learn to value and cherish everything or else we will eventually self-destruct.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gary Snyder Poems

After reading some of Gary Snyder's poems I feel his writing is really geared towards making people understand the environment is a living thing. He uses very descriptive language when describing places and objects like pine trees. The descriptive language really drives the reader to understand these objects as more than that. The reader has to focus on them as living, breathing, entities that deserve our respect. I think a huge theme within all these poems is respect for everything living thing.