Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sustainable Food

No matter where you live or how you live, food is a necessity. Food is staple in every culture and simply put, we cannot live without it. As humans have developed over time, food has become increasingly questionable. What we define as food, such as a hamburger, we may not actually know what is put into this food. We have lost the link between the actual animal or crop to our dinner table. Our quest for fast, easy, and cheap food has created a downward spiral in the meat and crop industries. The valuable nutrients of these foods are being lost in translation. In order to restore this balance, we should revert back to natural, organic foods that our bodies were actually made to digest. All these chemicals and preservatives are not what we were designed to break down. However, saying that we must switch our diets and actually switching our diets are two very different things. It's hard to change set eating habits. I feel though the only way to set our ecosystem back in balance.

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