Monday, November 12, 2012

Survey Results

After analyzing the results, everyone I asked agreed littering is harmful to the environment. Even though everyone agreed littering is harmful, a few people admitted that they still littered. Everyone agreed that students should be educated about littering and everyone in the survey recycles. On the question regarding whether or not they would pick up someone else's trash, the results were split. Some would while others would not.


  1. Your survey sounds like it yielded good results. People’s awareness of the harmfulness of liter is there, but it’s strange that people still do it. It seems that you asked good questions that gave you a good sampling of people’s behaviors and opinions. What exactly is your social science theory?

  2. I really like your topic because you always wonder why littering is so hard for people to do. How hard is it to find a trashcan to throw something away? or recyle? It depends how good of a person someone is to pick up someones trash. Some people just care that much for the environment.

  3. This survey seems like it really got honest feedback. The topic you selected is very current and can be seen in daily life. A good question to incorporate into your survey would be a question directed to the people that answered that they still litter on why do they still do even though they know about the harmful effects it has on the environment.
